Comments Policy: This blog is intended as a resource for IABDM members, allied health professionals and others interested in our organization and/or biological dentistry and related fields. All comments are held and reviewed before posting. This is a moderated forum.

Ozone Therapy Explained for Better Oral and Overall Health
Biological dentistry is a component of health care that focuses on the harmony between the oral and overall health of a patient. A rising practice in this field is the application of an age-old medical treatment - ozone therapy. Ozone has been utilized...

How Biological Dentistry Enhances Dental Health and Recovery with Platelet Rich Fibrin
Biological dentistry places a high emphasis on the integration of holistic health practices with conventional dental procedures. A vital part of this discipline is harnessing the body's natural healing abilities to improve the outcomes of dental procedures. One unique...

Root Canals and the Hidden Health Risks You Need to Know
Root canals are common dental procedures but many people are unaware of the potential risks they carry. Biological Dentistry has observed that these treatments might be a source of chronic infection, leading to wider systemic health problems. Mostly, this issue...

What You Need to Know About FDA Recommendations on Dental Amalgam and Mercury Risks
In the world of biological dentistry, our goal is not only to ensure your oral health but also to protect your overall wellness. Nowadays, particular attention is given to materials used in dental procedures as some might carry potential risks. A major point of...

Landmark Legal Decision Calls for EPA Action on Fluoridation Health Risks
Biological dentistry has always emphasized the careful use of substances to minimize health risks. Recently, a significant fluoride ruling exemplified this approach, demanding critical action from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Bringing an end...

Understanding the Foundations of Biological Dentistry
Despite the growing buzz around it, there's often confusion between terms such as "holistic dentistry," "integrative dentistry," and "biological dentistry." While they may be seen as interchangeable, they distinctly diverge. Biological dentistry is intrinsically...

Protect Protocol Advances SAFER Amalgam Filling Removal
As the dental field progresses, techniques for safeguarding patients and dental professionals have greatly advanced. Pioneering these advancements, the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine (IABDM) has ushered in several notable improvements,...

Landmark Ruling Declares Fluoridated Water a Threat to Children’s IQ
A recent U.S. District Court ruling found that water fluoridation levels deemed “optimal” by the EPA actually poses an unreasonable risk of injury to Children’s IQ.

New study shows mercury released from amalgam fillings increase levels of mercury in pregnant women
Dr. Ted Herrmann, President of the International Academy of Biological Dentistry & Medicine (IABDM) discusses a new study showing mercury released from amalgam fillings increase levels of mercury in pregnant women.

The IABDM encourages dentists to learn about biological dentistry
The International Academy of Biological Dentistry & Medicine (IABDM) has released a video encouraging dentists to learn about the benefits of becoming an IABDM certified biological dentist.

Biological dentistry, a message of hope and healing to dental patients from the IABDM
The International Academy of Biological Dentistry & Medicine (IABDM) has released a video informing dental patients about the benefits of using the services of an IABDM certified biological dentist.

Clinical Epigenetics: Solutions For “Head-Scratcher” Orthodontic Issues
By Dr. Felix Liao, DDS, MAGD, ABGD, Dip. ASBA In 2010, Dr. Jeremy Mao, professor in orthodontics at Columbia College of Dental paucity of fundamental innovations in orthodontics for decades presents intrinsic risks for the [dental] profession. "Fundamental innovations...