10 Reasons To Avoid Mercury Fillings

By Dr. Nicholas J. Meyer

About This Report

In this report you will find 10 Reasons To Avoid Mercury Fillings. Mercury fillings are an archaic practice from the past and do not belong in dental practice today, especially considering there are more aesthetic and non-toxic options readily available.

Mercury Fillings

Poison Disguised As A Shiny Filling

Mercury (Hg) Fillings Are Unsightly

1. Mercury (Hg) Fillings Are Unsightly

Upon initial installation, we refer to them as little silver band aids for teeth. The newly placed mercury amalgam is very shiny. Over time and with years of use, they get worn and oxidize. When this occurs to the filling, they turn colors, anywhere from a dirty silver look to one that is very dark. It is more common than not that, upon removal of the material from the tooth, the interface of the filling and tooth is very black. This black is from oxidization and microorganisms. Even the first image of the denture to the left exhibits all of the attributes listed in this report.
Mercury is considered a hazardous material by the EPA everywhere except your teeth

2. Mercury is considered a hazardous material by the EPA everywhere except your teeth

Yes, that is correct! The United States Environmental Protective Association has deemed the mixed mercury filling mass a hazardous substance and must be handled as one. It is supposed to be picked up by special hazardous waste operators who will take the material and reclaim it to ensure the recycling of it. Otherwise, it goes down the drain. So, it is a hazardous material from the time it is mixed until the time it is in your tooth, where it is now considered safe. Then again from the time it is removed from your tooth moving forward.

3. Hg fillings are a form of mass medication

The use of mercury in medicine has been around for hundreds of years. Perhaps you can recall a time when Mercurochrome was applied to your skin for minor scrapes or cuts. The liquid solution was orange in color and used to kill bacteria and prevent the skin from being infected. Well, since they leak, the mercury filling still has the role and function of killing bacteria. When it occurs in the mouth, the oral flora balance is upset and can result in other problems.
They expand over time and result in tooth breakage

4. They expand over time and result in tooth breakage

This results in the need for further treatment such as a crown or extraction. The expansion of the filling is readily acknowledged by all dentists. Of this, there is no disagreement. The pressures that are exerted in an outward direction are great against the tooth which is, for the most part, an unyielding structure. The expansion is ongoing and relentless. The first thing that usually occurs then is a small fracture that helps to relieve the pressures and stresses of the expanding mass. This compromises the structural integrity of the tooth itself, rendering it more susceptible to overt fracture. Add to this situation normal wear and tear and you have a condition where the tooth can more readily fracture in an overt manner. The feeling you have when this happens is that there can be pressure upon biting that is relieved upon the release of the bite.

5. They release mercury vapor continuously

The vapor is absorbed by the oral tissues as well as your nose. For years, the formal body known as the American Dental Association (ADA) asserted that the mercury in the fillings were bound tightly together and that there was no “leakage”. This myth was promulgated for several decades because technology did not exist to prove otherwise. Eventually, the vapor was able to be readily visualized emanating from a filling with the use of a black light. In fact, there is a video from the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology that demonstrates this phenomenon quite clearly, to even a casual observer.

Mercury can also be demonstrated coming off a filling while in the mouth through the use of a Mercury Vapor Analyzer. This device is used today, in industry, to detect unsafe levels of mercury in the ambient air in a particular space. To detect it in the mouth, the probe is placed into the mouth and a reading is obtained. You are then given some paraffin wax to chew for about 60-90 seconds. Then, another reading is obtained. This illustrates then that they are indeed exposing themselves to mercury vapor every time you chew. Acidic foods (i.e. vinegars, pickles, etc.) accelerate the amount of mercury vapor being liberated from the surface of the fillings.

Mercury creates a battery effect in your mouth

6. Mercury creates a battery effect in your mouth

It is known as oral galvanism. The high school science definition of a battery is having 2 dissimilar metals in the presence of an electrolyte. For you non-science people, just know that a mercury filling has at least 5 metals in it and you have in your saliva: calcium, sodium, chloride, potassium, and a whole bunch of other elements in the solution. So as you can see, you create a battery. You may have experienced this by touching a metal filling with a fork. You will get a decided metallic taste in your mouth. This is a great example of oral galvanism. This is present all the time if you have any metals present in your mouth. For those that have metal fillings, some type of malady (disease) may occur related to this phenomenon.

7. Constituents migrate out of the filling

They can “plate out” resulting in what is called an amalgam tattoo (see photos to left). These spots can be either quite small or almost invisible due to size or location. They may be barely visible to the eye or they can be HUGE and visible to even a casual observer. However, they can also migrate elsewhere with grave consequences.

8. Mercury causes brain changes

“Neurofibrilar tangles” (essentially, warped fibers) are considered the hallmark finding of an Alzheimer’s victim’s brain, as seen on an autopsy. According to Dr. Boyd Haley, Chemistry Professor Emeritus and Mercury researcher of the University of Tennessee, neurofibrilar tangles are present in 100% of cases. The only substance known to cause this is mercury.

There is a molecule in our body known as Apo lipoprotein. There are different variations of this molecule but 3 major versions that we must pay attention to. Two of these versions are coded with the genes for binding mercury in the body. The third one does not bind mercury at all. Studies have shown that an Alzheimer’s victim will have only the version that does not bind mercury. This means that you have an extremely high chance of having Alzheimer ’s disease if you have what is known as the ApoE-4 Allele. You must take extra steps to bind this heavy metal in your body for your brain health.

9. Mercury helps in the creation of antibiotic resistant superbugs in the gut

Because the mercury has been present for so long, bugs in the gut have become adapted to the forms of mercury that would have killed them in the past. Now with Superbugs in the news on a regular basis, one has to ask why we keep poisoning ourselves and setting ourselves up for failure.
These fillings contain approximately 50% mercury, the most powerful neurotoxin

10. These fillings contain approximately 50% mercury, the most powerful neurotoxin

As of 2015, mercury is roughly 50% (by volume) the filling material. Mercury has the unique property, as it is a liquid, which other metals will dissolve into. The proportions worked out decades ago puts the mercury content at about 50%, while the others metals: Silver (35%), Tin (9%) Copper (6%) Zinc (trace). All values are approximate.

Mercury fillings are the only filling authorized by some government agencies

In spite of the availability of alternative materials that do not contain mercury, it has been memorialized in and around the world. Some countries in Europe have banned it but most take the lead from the US. Due to the mythology of the materials and the lobbying power of the insurance companies and the American Dental Association, mercury fillings live on and on.

Top 20 Alternative DoctorsFor additional information on this and other topics please visit: Dr. Nicholas Meyer’s website

*This information is for educational purposes only and not intended to diagnose or treat any condition or illness.

Dr. Meyer, has a diverse background and skilled diagnostic acumen. He is licensed by the State of Arizona and is also licensed by the Sacred Medical Order of the Knights Hope (Ecclesiastical). To learn more about mercury fillings from Dr. Meyer, you may purchase his books here. You will be able to read about mercury and more in Dr. Meyer’s book, The Holistic Dental Matrix.

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