Neural Therapy & Allergy
By Dr. Franz Hopfer
It was the task of these elaborations to indicate the observed causal connections between disturbance fields and allergic illnesses.
In this, the emphasis is not placed on the question as to what the patient reacts to hypersensitively but on what caused the organism to become oversensitive.
The solution to this question lies in the discovery and elimination of the responsible disturbance field in corresponding cases. On the basis of this causal therapy, permanent success may be expected. For this, the neural therapy holds a decisive and dominating place for diagnosis and therapy.
As is known, one understands under neural therapy a method which applies local anesthetics exclusively for both the diagnosis and the therapy. The effect rests in no case on the analgesic suppression of pain conditions but on the normalization of disturbed regulatory conditions. For this, no pharmacologic effect takes place, but one achieves a regulating influence on organs and whole systems via corresponding nerve tracts. The vegetativum holds the decisive role as transmitter.
The neural therapeutica are applied directly or indirectly. In direct use, the application happens locally in the form of infiltration into the corresponding segment by setting wheals or by injections into appropriate ganglia.
When aiming at indirect influence, which is one domain of the neural therapy, one applies normalizing impulses to those foci, resp. disturbance fields, which are responsible for the illness. Therewith, the distant effect issuing from this focus is broken and turned off. To be sure, these processes can be understood only when the widespread but wrong and antiquated imaginations of bacterial or bacterial-toxic processes within the focus-happening are left, and they are looked at from the perspective of modern diction as regulations-disturbing influence via the all-connecting vegetative system.
To avoid the traditions-bound connection with the bacterial processes, the synonym “disturbance field” was coined in the neural therapy for the word “focus” In the sense of the modern interpretation, one understands by a focus or disturbance field: “all places or organs which are pathologically changed, resp. have once become pathologically changed and have taken on the capacity to cause illnesses beyond their immediate surroundings.” Decisive in this definition is not the local report but the proven capacity [for] an ill-making distant effect. Without this proof, one cannot a priori assign the attribute of focus or disturbance zone even to inflammation-changed tonsils or a tooth with a granulom, that is, for as long as there is no proof of a distant effect issuing from it.
The proof of a distant effect, again, is established with the help of the Huneke Seconds Phenomenon. By this is to be understood that, after an injection of the neural therapeuticum into a suspected disturbance field, the distant complaints issuing from there die away at one blow for about 20 hours, and this process can be reproduced after the return of the complaints. By the help of this phenomenon it was possible to realize imaginative conceptions about the focus illness, which had a purely speculative character up till then. The targeted and thereby successful therapy for disturbance field illnesses rests on the concept of this genuine connections diagnosis.
After these necessary introductory remarks, we now return to the theme for the day: the allergy.
With allergic illnesses, as with all other illnesses requiring a neural-therapeutic intervention, the intent lies in the discovery of the cause of the syndrome; so we’ll not at all bother the patient with local treatment attempts.
The allergic anamnesis has the following target: the clearing-up of constitutional factors, a detecting of the responsible allergen, and the comprehensing of nonspecific factors. The patient frequently comes from a relevant expert doctor with the diagnosis “allergic happening, caused by unspecific factors.” Frequently, the inability to explain a situation is glossed over with attributes such as “unspecific,” “essentially,” or “idiopathic.” In all these illnesses, we frequently succeed in identifying these factors in a disturbance field.
What problems are allergies presenting to us? For one thing, success can be expected only with such patients whose allergies are not connected with the whole family anamnesis like a red thread, that is, where the tendency for these illnesses is not genetically suspected. Also, our interest in concentrated on those pathologic changes which possibly cause a re-tuning of the organism. The carefully established anamnesis holds a key position for the diagnostic clarification. Special attention is to be directed to the timely sequence of illnesses, e.g., an angina, a sinusitis, and a subsequently following allergy (soon or after some time).
The establishment of a complete tooth-jaw status, including x-rays, even in the case of a toothless patient, is obligatory. Subsequently follows, according to the neuro-therapeutic rules, the consistent testing of all relevant potential disturbance fields.
Difficulties of the Examination
- One difficulty is that we depend entirely on the subjective information given by the patient.
- Secondly, allergies frequently show both a changeful and also individual tolerance toward the allergens. Allergic exacerbations may suddenly occur and then, again, give way to unforeseeable intervals free from complaints. A disturbance field exploration can be done only during aggravated states because by the exclusion of the responsible disturbance field there should be an instant freeing effect.
- When there is an instant result (Sofort-Phaenomen), resp. when it develops into a Huneke Seconds Phenomenon, then one must consider certain tolerance ranges of the allergies which lie in the nature of these illnesses:
- In the case of an astigmatic, there is first a release of the ring-pressure around the chest, then the expiratory dyspnea diminishes gradually, and he can easier walk up the stairs. The wheezing and whistling continues at first but diminishes after some time, at least several hours, until the collected mucous which causes the wheezing and whistling has been expelled.
- The situation is similar with urticaria. If the responsible disturbance field has been eliminated, the patient quickly reports the diminishing of the itch. The effect of the eliminated disturbance field is comparable to a calcium injection. The wheals or edema of the mucosa, however, remain for yet a longer time.
- More difficult yet is the situation with eczema. With these, the therapeutic effect can be expected only after repeated treatments.
- Not the least, but these patients generally are taking medications so that the symptomatic picture is “washed out” and “dampened.” Moreover, these medications block the neural-therapeutic effect to a certain degree.
- The disturbance field explorations require patience, and they frequently are successful only after odontogenic sanitization.
If we place the question as to which disturbance fields are most frequently to be considered as a cause for allergies, one must revert to the individual groups of these illnesses. In illnesses of the respiratory apparatus, the cause is to a high percentage found in the nasal sinus cavity realm. Already the expression “sinu-bronchial syndrome” points to this connection. But in these cases, there are narrow limits set for the clinical procedure in both a diagnostic and therapeutic regard – diagnostically, because only gross pathologic changes are graspable and the x-ray picture, the importance of which is over-estimated, reveals only coarse morphologic changes. The past course of sinusitides, which occurs extremely often in the anamnesis of such patients, leave as a rule no substrata which are recognizable by examination techniques, but they do exist in the fine structure of the vegetativum.
If I may remind you of the definition for focus, resp. disturbance field, according to which every place that is or was pathologically changed may become a disturbance field, then, not only the present but also the past pathologic changes are included. The most effective neuro-therapeutic intervention consists of the paranasal sinuses in giving impulse to the assigned acupuncture points and injections into the nasal conchae. It is always a surprise that, therewith, the “memorial” in the vegetativum is discovered in instant effectiveness and also eliminated.
In cases of chronic and chronically therapy-resistant paranasal sinuses, one must consider a possible “sinusitis comitans.” They occur because irritants from devital teeth in the upper jaw damage the vibrating epithelium. These irritants penetrate the thin, bony wall between root tip and sinus, or the root of such teeth protrudes into the cavity. Of course, in such cases, only the removal of such teeth can finish the chronically inflamed condition. Here, it should possibly be interjected that efforts in removing a focus by administering antibiotica are fully “frustran” (Dr. Hopfer). A focus-oriented sanitization has to be performed. Likewise, it is a matter of course that in all these cases, the relevant specialist has to be consulted.
That the tooth-jaw area is frequently a source of allergies is sufficiently known. Less known is that not only teeth with a recognized granulom – which is always looked for – but all devital and impacted teeth reveal the focus-character, along with other pathologic changes, e.g., restostitis. Equally little is it known that these pathologic changes are interconnected, summarizing their disturbance factors and, therefore, success in sanitization cannot be achieved through a “partial sanitization” but only by the removal of all relevant foci. This fact is again and again overlooked and contributes to the reason why numerous illnesses progress into the chronic state.
The tonsils also stand at the top of possible pathologic influences. When one recognizes that the tonsils are the main production place for the immune-globulin in young people, as is accepted, one can estimate what effects their chronic inflammation, resp. their premature removal, can have. In further sequence, the ears, lungs, adnexes, and also the appendix as a further possible immune organ, and the remaining body-foci, such as possibly scars, must also be caluclated in.
These connections may be lit up by the case of a 38 yr. old patient who for already three years had suffered from a moderate case of asthma bronchiale. Without at first recognizable cause, a status asthmaticus manifested, and she had to remain in intensive care of 3 weeks, where corresponding cortisone doses were administered without the desired result. In the frame of a thorough examination, the intra-uterine pessar was removed due to local inflammation, whereupon the threatening condition discontinued at a blow.
The allergic skin diseases do not reveal a significant assignment to particular disturbance fields. But appropriate hints can frequently be extracted from the anamnesis. A special place is taken up by early childhood illnesses, such as the eczema neonatorum and the asthma bronchiale. For years we were able to note in the ambulance for focus illnesses that the main cause for the infant eczema lies in the navel. The navel is the first scar and thus the first possible disturbance field of the body. It assumes focus-character especially when the healing process is slowed due to inflammations. Frequently, the eczema disappears without recognizable cause and [is] replaced by asthma. We can look upon a relatively large number of these little patients who, with the help of repeated injections of Xyloneural into the navel, with more than 10 years subsequent observation, remained without complaints or need for other treatments.
The bee-poison allergy I’d like to complete with a case history, which lights up the possible connections between the focus happening and the sensibilitation.
A man who is nowadays 65 married years ago into the family of a hobby beekeeper. After some time, during which he had received a number of bee stings, he developed a definite allergy toward bee-poison, with threatening symptoms. It forced him to corresponding limitations for nearly 20 years.
After removal of his remaining, mostly devital and parodontonically damaged teeth, which happened for dental reasons, his allergy died away completely. He even was able to take over the beekeeping because no further unusual reactions followed the bee stings.
It appears appropriate to note that the allergic reactions readiness of so many years had been initiated by the disturbance field influence from the tooth-jaw area.
It is to be noted that with these illnesses caused by disturbance fields, there may come a relapse, even after a long, continued therapy success. This is the case when the responsible disturbance field becomes “reactivated,” e.g., by a new angina tonsillaris, by a new nasal sinusitis, or when, after the successful sanitization of the dental area another root canal treatment is performed.
That occasionally even a local therapy can be of decisive importance is demonstrated in the following case.
During the visit of some friends one month before, the housewife was stung on the shoulder by a wasp. She made small of it, saying that she was used to that. Already within a few minutes, there were symptoms of serious allergic instant reactions with sight disturbances, depression of the circulation, and vomiting. Lacking corticoids, I injected into the sting location approximately 5 ml. Xyloneural. In amazingly short time, about 5 minutes, the threatening symptoms abated: the sight disturbances disappeared first, then the circulation improved, and finally the vomiting stopped.
Originally published in German