Thursday, November 14, 2019
The fee for each full-day course is $250 per person and provides 8 hours of AGD CEUs. Some courses may be limited in size.
Biological Dentistry 101
Instructors: Michael Margolis DDS, FIABDM, Marjan Seywerd DDS, FIABDM, Dawn Ewing PhD
Learn about meridians and how teeth are connected to different organs; the PROTECT Protocol to protect you and your staff, patients, and the environment from mercury when removing amalgams; research on fluoride, cavitations, thermography, record keeping, and much more. This course is a prerequisite for certification.
Holistic Mouth Doctor
Instructor: Felix Liao DDS, MIABDM
Learn about the airway and how dentists can affect breathing. Breathing is not alternative medicine. Learn how to treat snoring, sleep apnea, and change children’s lives.
Surgical Savvy: Extractions to Cavitations
Instructor: Blanche Grube, DMD, MIABDM
Learn how to detect and treat cavitations; how to extract a tooth to prevent future cavitations.
Understanding & Unlocking Chronic Pain (hands-on course)
Instructor: Hal Blatman, MD
There is much more to diagnosing the source of a patient’s pain than radiologic studies and an accurate history. Pain is often not what it first appears to be, and symptoms are often misleading to the patient and practitioner. After the broken bones and skin are healed, most chronic pain comes from injury to the fascia that holds our bodies together. Learning how to examine for and detect new and old injuries to fascia will provide for a new understanding of pain and hands-on techniques that ensure a rewarding experience when treating pain complaints of all kinds. Headaches do not come from the head. Left arm pain may be an MI. Low back pain may not be coming from the lower back, and knee pain after joint replacement cannot come from the knee. Elbow pain is not epicondylitis. Foot pain does not always come from the foot or even the lower back. This day-long workshop will change forever how you think of and treat pain in your patients.