Directory of Biological Dentists, Doctors & Allied Professionals
Our directory exists for one reason: to help you find a biological dentist near you.
We List Our Certified Members First. Their certification badge indicates that they have received training from us covering the philosophy and essential practices of biological dentistry, including safe mercury removal, dental ozone, nutrition, energetic connections, homeopathy, and more.
They must then pass a written exam and complete a culminating project. For dentists, this project is a presentations of two case studies of how they safely remove mercury from patients in their office, following our PROTECT Protocol, which you can learn more about here. For hygienists, it’s a small study or article, video, or other presentation on a topic in biological dentistry.
Our accreditation programs facilitate patient trust through recognition of Certified Biological Dentists, Hygienists, and other dental workers. In fact, only dentists who have completed our certification process may call themselves “Certified Biological Dentists.”
Being listed in our directory does NOT guarantee in any way that the practitioner follows all that our Standards of Practice advise. For no two dentists practice exactly the same way. This doesn’t mean that the care you receive from one will be better or worse than the care you receive from another, just different.
If you have special needs - for instance, a fragrance-free environment - we encourage you to ask questions before visiting any office.
FAQs for a Biological Dentist
Know the right questions to ask about root canals, mercury amalgam, and more.
May I talk with you about my dental health situation over the phone or visit your office before making an appointment?
What may I expect during an initial exam and consultation?
Not all dentists rely on all of these other tests or may refer some of them out. No two doctors practice exactly alike. This does not always mean that the care you receive from one will be superior or inferior to that from another, just different.
Consultation time may happen at a different time. Your case might require the dentist to review and analyze the findings in detail so they can create a specific treatment plan for you. It will include discussion of risks and benefits, financial costs and treatment timeline – information you need to make an informed decision about which, if any, treatment to pursue.
Do you require a comprehensive medical and dental history?
What kind of material compatibility testing do you use?
What is your position on mercury amalgam? Is this a mercury-free practice? Is it mercury-safe, as well? How long has the dentist practiced in a mercury free environment?
If a dentist is knowledgeable and understands mercury biochemistry, it is likely they will take the removal process seriously. What you don’t want to hear is something like, “I don’t think the mercury in fillings is a big deal, but I’ll take them out if you like.” That dentist probably isn’t too concerned with removal protocols and the safe handling of mercury. If the dentist provides the equipment, skill and techniques to protect his patients, staff and self, then the same commitment is generally practiced regarding appropriate disposal of mercury and toxic products into our environment.