Become a Member

IABDM members are leaders in wellness, participating in the effort to reform the standards of care in dentistry and medicine.

*** Renewals please proceed here

As a member, you show solidarity with fellow practitioners, claiming the freedom to utilize techniques that best suit you and your patients while advancing the teachings and philosophy of the IABDM.

And you gain access to unique and superior continuing education opportunities and access to a respected accreditation credential:

Become A IABDM Member
Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting

Our annual meeting features presentations on the latest science and research supporting biological approaches to oral and systemic health, delivered by leading clinicians and researchers from around the US and the globe.
Regional Meetings

Regional Meetings

These small, member-only meetings provide a personalized, hands-on learning experience at a variety of locations across the US. Recent topics include trigger point therapy, heavy metals in dentistry, laser usage, the tooth-body connection, detoxification, homotoxicology, homeopathy, the craniomandibular relationship, thermography and oral acupuncture.


Our certification program recognizes the differences in training and expertise of our member doctors and insures that members are recognized at a level commensurate with their training and expertise. This credentialing speaks volumes as we take the lead in the field of biological dentistry and medicine.

Member Benefits

All Members Receive:

  • Members-only access to IABDM regional meetings.
  • Reduced fees for conferences and regional meetings.
  • Access to members-only content, including video of past conferences, hard-to-find biological dentistry books and articles, and more.
  • Mentorship, if requested.
  • Bimonthly newsletter.
  • Membership certificate and welcome package.
  • Access to our members-only online study and networking group.
  • Access to our members-only Facebook Group
  • Buy-o-logical Advertising
We offer reduced membership dues for hygienists and other non-doctors, affiliates, and retired practitioners.

Non-Doctor/Affiliate/Student Membership

Basic membership benefits as outlined above.

Standard Membership

Basic membership benefits plus a customized profile with a link to your website in our directory of member practitioners, a respected, popular, and powerful source of referrals. Once you become a Certified member, your listing will be made findable through geographic search.

Become a Sponsoring Member

Sponsoring memberships are available to certified IABDM members. This gives you all the benefits of standard membership plus your photo, office contact info, and a link to your website on our home page.

Join the IABDM Today!

For Non-Doctor, Affiliate, Standard, or Sponsoring Membership

*** Renewals please proceed here

Are You A Student?

Membership is free for current students in dentistry, medicine, chiropractic, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and related fields. Sponsorships are available to support your attendance at our meetings. Your membership will stay active until your projected graduation date.
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