Blanche Grube, DMD
Dr. Blanche D. Grube has been in private practice at her Scranton, PA office for three decades, providing exceptional general dentistry and surgical expertise in a friendly, home-like environment. Dr. Grube holds a second doctorate in Integrative Medicine and is certified in conscious sedation. She has had extensive training in homeopathy, nutrition, iridology, colon hydrotherapy, neural therapy and acupuncture.
For the first ten years of practice Dr. Grube followed the methods of conventional dentistry. In the early 90’s a simple question from a patient changed her life’s direction. She became interested in Biological Dentistry as a result of a request from one of her patients asking if mercury in amalgam fillings could cause the health problems the woman was experiencing. Through a series of events Dr. Blanche connected with Dr. Hal Huggins in Colorado Springs and the stage was set for what would become a new direction in her dental practice and a collaboration that would be far-reaching in her professional career.
The dentists and hygiene team in our office are dedicated to providing the best modern dentistry has to offer while at the same time taking into consideration the possible toxic side effects of many dental products. Our highly skilled clinical staff is committed to provided you with the safest amalgam removal protocol and the placement of the least reactive materials. Our patients first have a blood compatibility done by Biocomp Laboratories. There are other techniques available for best material determination but we believe Biocomp Laboratory testing to be the most accurate. Dr. Grube is a Past President of The International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine (IABDM).