We are looking for a full- or part-time doctor (3-4 days per week) to join our busy, growing practice. Need to be proficient in restorative dentistry. Willing to train some procedures and techniques, but require experience. Must also be interested in overall wellness and be willing to learn whole-body health practices and information.
At Total Care Dental and Wellness, we see patients who are struggling with their health, and we know 60-80% of that struggle may originate in the mouth. We receive referrals from other health care providers and work as a team to help our patients return to health. We have dentists and functional medicine practitioners, and provide an array of health services in addition to biologic dental services.
If you are interested in working in a state-of-the-art facility with cutting edge dental, biologic, and wellness related services, this is the office for you. A significant opportunity for learning and growth.
Need to be a great communicator willing to learn and try new things. Can train and teach the right practitioner. Growth and shareholder/partnership opportunities in the future if desired. Don’t pass this one up!
Email resume and cover letter introducing yourself to applicant@totalcaredental.com.