About the IABDM
We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
The International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine (IABDM) is a network of dentists, physicians and allied health professionals committed to integrating body, mind, spirit and mouth in caring for the whole person.
Founding Statement




We will also promote the transfer of worldwide biophysical knowledge to the field of clinical dentistry. We intend to bring the theory and practice of traditional Chinese acupuncture into better focus so as to act as a unifying concept to allow the biologically-oriented dentist to participate with the biologically-, ecologically- and environmentally-oriented physician in the resolution of common patient disease states.
A network of physicians and dentists working conjointly to provide unified diagnosis and treatment procedures for their common patients will be established. Dentists will play a greater role in the treatment of the environmentally ill patient and those whose disease etiology is still identified as idiopathic or unknown.
We intend to promote biocompatible corrections and restorative dental procedures based on our scientific knowledge of energy, electromagnetics, sound, light, acupuncture, homeopathy and nutrition, in addition to the myriad of traditional scientific disciplines that constitute clinical dentistry.