Mercury Safe Dentist: How to find one and questions to ask

How to find a mercury safe dentist and the important questions to ask them about the safe removal of mercury amalgam fillings and biological dentistry.
Where can i find a mercury safe dentist?
The IABDM hosts a directory of Biological Dentists, Doctors & Allied Professionals. Our directory exists for one reason: to help you find a biological dentist near you that is skilled in the safe removal of mercury amalgam dental fillings.
1. What does the doctor use for filling materials?
2. When does he or she use mercury/amalgam fillings?
3. What special protocols are used for removal of mercury/amalgam fillings?
4. How does the doctor protect himself and the staff during mercury/amalgam removal?
5. Does the dentist use a dental dam during the removal of mercury fillings?
6. Are there special techniques for removing large mercury/amalgams?
7. What does he do about the vapor collection in the treatment rooms?
8. What is done in his office to prevent the mercury from getting into the water supply?
9. What precautions are taken so that the patient breathes clean air during mercury/amalgam removal?
10. What water source is used for the water syringes and hand pieces?
11. Does the doctor use any form of dental material compatibility testing for sensitivity to the new materials to be used?
12. Where did the doctor train on the protocol for safe mercury removal?
- Huggins Institute
- International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine
- International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology
- Holistic Dental Association
To learn more about mercury-safe dentistry, visit Dr. Tom McGuire’s and TALK International.
13. Does his or her office support the patient seeing someone for mercury detoxification and nutritional support?
Your dental doctor can remove the mercury from your teeth but may not able to directly address the importance of detoxification and nutritional support before, during and after mercury removal. In that case, ideally, he or she will work closely with allied physicians and other healing practitioners to coordinate these parts of the detoxification process.
*** Many offices go above and beyond the protocols for safe mercury removal and follow a sequential removal based on the amperage of the fillings and attention to the 7 day immune cycle protocol.
*** This list can go on to include how the dental room and instruments are sterilized. You need to feel that the highest precautions are used.