Renew Your IABDM Membership

Renewing Online for the First Time?

Once you do, you’ll never have to remember to do so again! Your membership will automatically renew each year unless you choose to cancel.

ONLY use this page to renew your membership if you have NEVER paid your membership dues online before.
Standard Membership

Standard Membership Renewal

You will receive: a certificate of membership and welcome package, members-only access to IABDM regional meetings, reduced fees for conferences and regional meetings, mentorship (if requested), bimonthly newsletter, access to our members-only Facebook group, BUY-ological advertising (online classifieds), and a customized listing in our practitioner directory.

Sponsoring Membership

Sponsoring Membership Renewal

You will receive: all the benefits of a standard membership, plus your photo, office contact info, and a link to your website on our home page.

RDH/RDA/Staff Membership

RDH/RDA/Staff Membership Renewal

You will receive: all the benefits of a standard membership (directory listing for RDHs only).
Affiliate Non-Doctor

Affiliate Non-Doctor Renewal

You will receive: all the benefits of a standard membership without directory listing.

Retired Renewal

You will receive: all the benefits of a standard membership without directory listing.

Student Renewal

You will receive all the benefits of a standard membership without directory listing.

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