Biological Dental Medicine: Changing Lives

A selection of patient comments on working with a biological dentist to improve their oral and overall health and well-being.

A selection of patient comments on working with a biological dentist to improve their oral and overall health and well-being…

My name is Ken Pine. I am 51 years old and had a root canal performed approximately 2.5 years ago. Approximately 2 years ago I developed a swollen bursa on my left elbow and visited the emergency room twice eventually having it drained. At this time my left bicep began firing and spasming uncontrolled.

Along with this my left shoulder began to freeze up not allowing me to use my arm up over my head in work.

In August of 2013 after 30-35 days of working in excessive heat situations I literally collapsed and spent two weeks sleeping almost 24 hours a day. I lost approximately 15 pounds in the next few weeks along with my work and my housing.

I stayed stable at the lower weight and weakened state until early this year. I no longer was able to keep on weight, I developed issues with my adrenals and thyroid which had my heart beating heavily all throughout the day. My kidneys ached terribly. My sinuses which never trouble me became plugged, my head began to ache, my memory went to a whole other level of forgetfulness and my eyes ached badly at the end of the day.

I was very ill in the evenings and drinking large amounts of water did help a bit.

The most amazing thing was the putrid smell that was in my contact lens case after my lenses had soaked overnight.

I was led to information from a few friends which educated me on the truth concerning root canals and the dangers associated with them.

I thank God, and I am so very thankful for finding Dr. Sefcik, since my dentist took an xray, mocked me for “self” diagnosing, adjusted my bite and sent me home to become more ill for two weeks more until I had Dr. Sefcik extract this tooth.

The heavy evening illness never came back and the stench in my lens case never showed back up. My kidneys stopped aching.

The sinus issues and headaches left over the next few days and my heart beats more consistently daily.

It is two weeks later today and my shoulder is approximately 85% better as is my bicep and I am putting weight on steadily.

I could not be more thankful for any person right now than I am for Dr. Sefcik.

I was close to being crippled or worse and an now feeling young again and being told I look such as well.

Always grateful,
– Kenny Pine

Twenty years of my life was marred by an unknown factor which severely affected my health – a factor which was unknown until I met Dr. Glaros and Dr. Battle. At the age of 24, I received a root canal filled with mercury. Two years later, a cyst was protruding from my gum directly in front of the root canal. The dentist that I was seeing at the time sent me to an oral surgeon who recommended surgery. He peeled back my gums and re-sealed the area around the root canal. Evidently, it was not sealed correctly, and over the next 20 years, mercury slowly leaked into my blood system. My health deteriorated to the point that I sought help, thinking I had dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Four different doctors ran tests and told me I was fine/normal, but I was slowly regressing to the state of being unable to cope with life. I was an artist who could not paint as I had before. It was difficult to take care of my family or to finish a watercolor, oil or a sketch. Dr. Battle told me to have the root canal removed, and I did!

Under the care of Dr. Glaros and Dr. Battle, my life is returning to normal. This year alone, in 2012, I have completed 17 paintings – more than the previous two decades! Medical doctors should include tooth and gum questionnaires within their health assessments.

Thankful to have my mind and health back…
– Anonymous

The dentist’s protocol for removal was even more extensive than I initially understood from reviewing his web site. First, there is energetic testing to determine which fillings show the highest burden on the body. Next is testing to determine which anesthetics and composite/ceramics are most compatible for the individual. Our individual chemistries are not all the same, so it is better to determine this up front.

When removing the amalgam, he uses a rubber dam over the tooth and has the patient breathe oxygen to minimize the chance amalgam pieces or released mercury vapor comes back to the patient. What good is removing the mercury if a large portion reenters the patient’s body? He also does not drill out the full amalgam, only enough that the amalgam will come out mostly in pieces. Even with these precautions, he follows it up by having the patient use a chelating agent to remove any stray mercury that may remain.

I had several large amalgams that were replaced with a ceramic. His attention to detail on the fit, particularly when next to the adjacent teeth, was incredible. I kept thinking, “Are we done yet?” but no, not until he was convinced it was correct. This attention to detail applies to his overall approach of minimizing the impact on the patient as well as achieving the best outcome. If that isn’t a strong enough recommendation, he listens to what the patient wants to talk about, answers their questions, and incorporates their preferences to extent possible. You might say he is user-friendly.

Since I am a chemical engineer by training, it didn’t take me too long to appreciate the negative effects of mercury in amalgams. All I needed to get my attention was that many list mercury as the second worst metal neurotoxin after cadmium.

Because mercury is a liquid, it has a high vapor pressure, which means a large number of mercury atoms are constantly being released in the mouths of those with amalgams. These mercury atoms can reenter the body by breathing them as they are released. Adding other metals to mercury to make the amalgam a solid does not alter this fact. If there were a chemical bond between mercury and the other metals, mercury could at least theoretically be rendered inert. This is not the case with a physical mixture, which is what an amalgam is.

If this isn’t a good enough reason, consider the fact that amalgams are considered safe when in your mouth, but when they are removed, they are considered hazardous waste and have to be disposed meeting hazardous waste protocol.

– Martin

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