Asthma Bronchiale & Neural Therapy
By Dr. Franz Hopfer
The [multilayered] signs and symptoms of asthma bronchiale are sufficiently known;…also that the cause is not clearly discernible and, therefore, a causal therapy is not possible.
There are numerous conceptions about the aetiology. Especially allergic and psychic factors are being considered, but also local irritations. Therefrom result the enormous number of therapy suggestions, beginning with antiallergica, sympathico-mimetica, psychopharmaca, seativa, cough-relieving remedies up to cortisone.
The allergologic examinations also failed to bring the desired success because generally on examines only against what the organism is sensitive to and not why. Thus, today’s art in therapy consists of finding out what is the lowest cortisone dosage which makes life bearable for the patient, and it has the goal of improvement and keeping away invalidism – all in all, a condition which neither satisfied the patient nor the doctor.
But with the help of neural therapy, one succeeds in many cases in finding out the cause for this ailment and, thus, [becomes able] to pursue a causal and successful therapy. In neural therapy, one uses, as is known, local anaesthetica, whereby a healing influence on organs and systems is reached via corresponding nerve tracks. With asthma bronchiale there are, as with other diseases, three possibilities for reaching success:
- With therapy via the corresponding segment,
- By treatment via a causal focus, resp. a corresponding disturbance field, and
- By way of a reconditioning treatment.
Illustration 2: On grounds of many years’ experience, we suggest beginning with the segment therapy because it is simple, does not require any special injections technique, and, therefore, can be applied even by a beginner in this area. For this, one forms a wheal-setting of the “thoracic area” with the thinnest needle (#20) to apply a neural therapeuticum….One sets in a gently flowing bow, paravertibrally, from the trapezius-center costal arc, 6-8 wheels on each side. Parasternally, also on both sides, one gives 4 intracutane injections, and preferably another 4 over the chestbone, one of which being at the level of the 5th ICR. This point is sensitive to pressure with the fingertip and constitutes the main lung-point in acupuncture. For this, another 1 ml. Xyloneural is administered. One must take care to actually inject in wheal formation and not s.c., because otherwise there will be no complete effect.
In this therapy, the cutivisceral reflexways are used, whereby the organs (lungs, pleura, bronchies) lying under the ribcage are therapeutically reached through stimulation of the surface skin. If the patient states that he can breathe better after a few minutes and the ring-pressure around the chest diminishes, then it should be rescheduled after 5-7 days. If the improvement lasts several days, and the success is repeatable in subsequent identical treatments, or it increases, then a long-lasting diminishment of the complaints – yes, even permanent success – may be expected with this simple therapy. How often this application is needful and how long the intervals are to be depends on the condition of the patient. Sometimes, a few sessions suffice, but more often this therapy must be continued for years, although with longer intervals. It represents a genuine help even when the patient remains free from chronic asthmatic remedies and, especially, cortisone administration. This therapy is especially successful when there is in the anamnesis a pneumonia or a tendency to recurring bronchitis before the occurrence of asthma.
However, if this therapy via the thoracic area brings no improvement, it is meaningless to continue with it. Then success will also not come through more frequent injections or through the setting of more wheals. In such cases, or if there has even been a worsening temporarily after this treatment, one can assume with great likelihood that the asthma ailment is caused by a focus, resp. a disturbance field. According to our experience, this is the case with about 2/3 of asthmatic patients. Here, a successful therapy is possible only when the guilty focus is discovered and eliminated.
As is known, a large portion of illnesses can be influenced or caused by a focus, but in practical application, there are usually difficulties because no sufficient number of doctors concern themselves with focus diseases. Thus, the plurality of colleagues depend on collaboration with specialists in case of a suspected focus, and their statements have only limited usefulness. They can only report whether there are currently pathologic changes within the corresponding specialty area in the patient. They are, however, not in the position to state whether there is a provable illness-causing distant effect. And only this capacity of a distant effect is the signal of a focus, resp. disturbance field. It is to be injected here that in neural therapy, the expression “disturbance field” is used instead of focus because the latter is traditionally connected with the conception of a bacterial or toxic happening. But this does not actually apply, according to the newest findings. Even when the illness-causing agency remains unknown, it is not the local report using these synonymous expressions that is decisive but the capacity of an illness-causing distant effect.
These elaborations were necessary for understanding the connective diagnosis as it is practiced in neural therapy via the Huneke Seconds Phenomenon. One speaks of such a phenomenon then when after injection with a neural therapeuticum (Xyloneural, among others) into the surmised disturbance field, the distant complaints diminish immediately and remain absent for at least 16 hours. Additionally, it is required that this phenomenon be reproduced after any return of the complaints. Then it can be said with a probability that borders on certainty that a guilty focus has been objectified and proven.
Transferred into the practice, the concrete disease picture looks like this: First, on the basis of a thorough and precise anamnesis, e.g., the asthma bronchiale after an angina, then the assumption that the cause is to be sought in the tonsils lies near. The exclusion of the tonsils happens through injections with Xyloneural into the upper and lower poles. If the patient experiences in the speed of seconds, and lasting at least 16 hours, freedom from complaints – and this phenomenon can be reproduced in the same form with longer lasting intervals free from complaints – then the tonsils are the cause of the ailment, with greatest likelihood. After corresponding repetitions of this conservative neural therapeutic treatment, resp. after eventual required surgical sanitization, lasting success can be expected. The same goes for all other anamnestically discovered potential disturbance fields such as nasal sinuses, teeth, ears, liver, adnexes, prostrate, diverse scars, etc. This naturally requires the training of corresponding injections techniques and in intensive preoccupation with this matter.
As a classical example of a causal disturbance field with an asthma bronchiale, let the following case serve:
The then 41-yr. old patient L.R. was accepted into the Hanusch Hospital in 1963. For years, he had suffered from a recurring polyarthritis, which had improved temporarily after a prior odontogenic focus sanitization, while a tonsillectomy [had] brought no changes at all. In 1963, he came to Bad Schallerbach for cure. After ten days, there was a strong reaction in his joints and, for the first time, he had an attack of asthma bronchiale. Thereupon, the cure was discontinued and the patient was transferred into the medical department of the Hanusch Hospital.
Because the usual therapy attempts with cortisone, etc., brought no success, a focus search was undertaken, whereby also a shooting scar on the right upper thigh was tested neuraltherapeutically via Xyloneural infiltration. Immediately, there was a worsening both of the joints and the asthma bronchiale in the sense of a reversed Huneke Phenomeneon. This process, whereby the patient got into the status asthmaticus, was reproduced three times. The illness-causing connection seemed proven thereby and the scar was surgically removed. The condition of both the joints and the asthma improved with one blow, and the patient is since then – more than 9 years ago – completely free from complaints regarding joints and also asthma. In the scar were found histologically a granulozytary reaction besides foreign body granuloma and iron deposits. As postscript came about a claim of regression to the Office for the Handicapped because, according to our opinion, we had dealt with a proven late-effect of military services injury.
It seems important to point out that after these enumerated and successful treatments, there have naturally often occurred relapses. The cause for them, then, lies almost always in renewed irritations of the responsible disturbance field such as angina, sinusitis, cholecystitis, a new root treatment, etc. After corresponding neuraltherapeutic treatment, success returns.
The third quoted way for the treatment of asthma is the one of reorientation and conditioning, which has been practiced with us for years with the help of the Cutivaccine Paul Novum (CPN). This vaccine consists of an autolysate from the bazillus subtilis and an addition of tuberculine.
Among numerous diseases which fail to respond to otherwise effective therapies, a certain percentage respond to the retuning effect of the Paul’sche vaccine, which leads not only to improvements but which may bring about lasting freedom from complaints. Asthma bronchiale is one of these diseases. However, it is an essential precondition for its effectiveness that there be no focus conditioning behind the disease. Its therapeutic effect is reached through raising the antibody titer and activating the endogenous defense mechanisms, as well as through an improvement of the regulatory capacity – as has been proven in diverse examinations (Gotsche, Perger, Reinhart and Orth, Stacher). According to our own observations, the tuberculine seems to play a decisive role in this because the success was reduced with usage of comparison preparations free from tuburculine.
When the previously described two paths failed to bring success, we added a treatment series of from 10 to 20 inoculations with CPN in weekly distance. In this, the skin of the upper arm is, alternatingly between right and left, cleaned with ether and scarificated in lattice form with a dull-cutting implement, the cutistyle, and the content of the capillary is applied. Usually, no reaction is to be expected from the first or second vaccination; it sets in only slowly in the course of treatments in the form of step by step improvement.
It is to be mentioned that we also apply these CPN inoculations very frequently after conservative or surgical focus-therapy for the stabilization of success.
The asthma of a child deserves to be especially considered, not only because it has an especially aggravating influence on the health, the development, and life-expectancy, but also because we have made an interesting observation concerning the cause.
Conspicuous is that with such children, already very often a nursing eczema occurs in the first days of life, resp. weeks, which then suddenly disappears and is displaced by asthma. If no familiar stress is provable, the assumption is at hand that already in the first days of life there was a happening in the sense of a disturbance field which “untuned” the organism. Occasionally, an otitis, a pneumonia, or an intestinal catarrh is to be investigated. These organs must then undergo a neuraltherapeutic treatment in the sense of elimination of a disturbance field. Beyond that, through detailed questioning about these children, one can frequently discover that their navel was wetting for a longer time with delayed healing. Besides this navel-blennorrhoe, other pathologic changes, such as faulty navel formation and all navel diseases, are naturally in question. According to the definition of disturbance field, every organ and every place which has undergone once a pathologic mutation can become a disturbance field and cause distant effects. In these cases, it can come to an allergizing of the organism which shows first as eczema, which then is replaced by asthma bronchiale. That these conceptions do not spring from theoretic considerations but are based on practical experiences may be demonstrated by this one case out of many:
In 1971, a then 3-yr. old girl, R.S., came to us. She had suffered for 2 years from a distinct asthma bronchiale and was since then constantly under cortisone. She was weakly, dull, pale, inappertent, and underweight. The mother stated that right after the birth, there occurred eczema on hands and knee-bends, which were replaced by asthma after 1 year. The anamnesis was completely ordinary, except for the already mentioned navel-anamnesis. The injection into the navel and its infusion with Xyloneural…brought an immediate improvement in the condition, so that after repetition 3 times, all medications could be discontinued. After 3 months, the child was lively, happy, had a healthy complexion, and had gained 4 kg. This treatment was until now (1973) repeated in longer intervals, and she has meanwhile gained 10 kg., enjoys winter sport, and had, in spite of intercurrent colds with bronchitis, no asthma attack or any other allergic reaction.
Originally published in German, in Viennese Clinical Weekly
86 (4), 108-111 (1974).