Study Club/Webinars

Iridology: What “eye” can tell you

Iridology: What “eye” can tell you

This presentation will explain iridology and how it can be used to gather more information about patents and their systemic health. It will also discuss herbal and lifestyle recommendations to support organs, tissues, and various weaknesses throughout the body and ways to improve overall health. Iridology is another diagnostic tool we can use as biological dental professionals. It allows us to get a baseline of our patients’ overall health and determine best practices based on their individual needs. Iridology is a great diagnostic tool that can help ensure that we, as dental professionals, are not adding additional burdens to our patients’ bodies.

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Introduction to Myofunctional Orthodontics Using the Myobrace System

Introduction to Myofunctional Orthodontics Using the Myobrace System

Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMD’s) may impact growth of the jaw, breathing, swallowing, sleep, and more. Common causes include ankyloglossia (tongue tie), restricted airways, soft and processed diets, and prolonged thumb-sucking habits. This presentation will familiarize you with identifying breathing and functional issues and their presentation in a patient. To have familiarity with the Myobrace Appliances and how to use the Myobrace System.

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The Myo Spotlight: Screening for Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders in Dental Patients

The Myo Spotlight: Screening for Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders in Dental Patients

Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs) may impact growth of the jaw, breathing, swallowing, sleep, and more. Common causes include ankyloglossia (tongue tie), restricted airways, soft and processed diets, and prolonged thumb-sucking habits. Dental professionals play a critical role in screening patients and recommending a functional assessment if needed. Treatment is highly individualized, and a collaborative team approach will help to facilitate the most successful outcomes.

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Introduction to Bioregulatory Medicine

Introduction to Bioregulatory Medicine

Bioregulatory medicine is a comprehensive and wholistic approach to health, which advocates the use of natural healing methods to support and restore the body’s intrinsic self-regulating, self-healing mechanisms. Bioregulation literally means the regulation of biological processes.​ Bioregulatory medicine promotes disease prevention and early intervention through non-toxic approaches. It employs noninvasive diagnostic aids that view not only structural imbalances but also functional, regulatory, energetic, and psycho-emotional conditions present in the patient. Join us to learn the basics of this approach and its relationship with Biological Dentistry.

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Evidence Based Approach to Periodontal Therapy

Evidence Based Approach to Periodontal Therapy

For decades, the focus has been on calculus as the etiology of periodontal disease. More research is showing that this approach does not allow superior results. Understanding the true etiology of periodontal disease and how to address it in a way that is compatible with the body is essential for optimal results. This webinar discusses what it’s like to be a biological periodontal therapist.

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Natural Anxiolytics for Dental Anxiety

Natural Anxiolytics for Dental Anxiety

Anxiolitics by Fran Horning BRDH Out of patients who get routine dental care, 82% have some level of anxiety and 9-15% avoid dental care altogether. How can we serve these patients in a way that is...

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Three Simple Steps for Healthier Sleep

Three Simple Steps for Healthier Sleep

Vitamin D and Sleep by Stasha Gominak MD Moving indoors has produced a global epidemic of sleep disorders and an abnormal intestinal microbiome. Both are related to vitamin D deficiency and can be...

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The Health Benefits of Copper

The Health Benefits of Copper

Copper by Dr. Ed Griffin Dr. Edward Griffen will be discussing the impacts of oral and systemic health and the impact of deficiencies in essential minerals. As an essential mineral, your body needs...

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Bioenergetics in Dentistry

Bioenergetics in Dentistry

Bioenergetics in Dentistry by Dr. Rachael Carver Learn about how the body is comprised of energy which dictates the biochemistry. Learn about energetic meridians and the connection of the teeth to...

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