Ozone Therapy Explained for Better Oral and Overall Health

by | Dec 27, 2024 | Biological Dentistry, Ozone Therapy

Ozone Therapy

Biological dentistry is a component of health care that focuses on the harmony between the oral and overall health of a patient. A rising practice in this field is the application of an age-old medical treatment – ozone therapy.


Ozone has been utilized scientifically for over a hundred years, revered for its sterilization and purification characteristics. Part of its allure is the selectivity with which it destroys harmful bacteria while leaving healthy cells unharmed. Ozone is an unstable, reactive form of oxygen that occurs naturally in our atmosphere. Its reactivity makes it powerful against bacteria, leading to the disintegration of their cell structures.


In the world of biological dentistry, ozone therapy takes various forms. The simplicity of application, patient acceptance, lack of adverse effects, and cost-effectiveness have all contributed to increasing its popularity. The most widespread usage in dentistry is in gaseous form for restorative purposes and as a disinfectant.


Another variant of ozone therapy in dentistry is ozonated oil. Typically derived from plant extracts, this oil can seep deep into gum tissues and stimulate healing. The oil undergoes a chemical reaction to contain ozonides, making it beneficial for dental treatments.


Notably, ozonated water has been identified as the most effective method of ozone therapy. This format is extensively used for wound healing, dental caries, gingivitis, and periodontitis. It functions efficiently against multiple species of microorganisms that breed in the mouth, creating a clean environment for oral health to prosper.


Despite all its promising benefits, the application of ozone therapy needs to be handled cautiously. Irresponsible use or overexposure can lead to toxic effects, resulting in an array of health complications. Furthermore, there are contraindications associated with the use of ozone, including pregnancy, epilepsy, and other health conditions. Therefore, the adherence to recommended dosages and proper administration methods is paramount for safe therapeutic practice.


The introduction of ozone therapy to biological dentistry speaks volumes about the progressiveness and adaptability of the field. While it certainly shows promise as a potentially indispensable treatment modality in dental care, more research is needed to expand its application and minimize its associated risks. As biological dentistry continues to evolve, the incorporation of innovative measures such as this ensures better outcomes for patients’ oral and overall wellbeing.



The International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine (IABDM) is a network of dentists, physicians, and health professionals committed to promoting biological dentistry. We invite you to visit our website to learn more about our advocacy for biocompatible dental materials and toxin-free practices.



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